Me-Made May 2014:week 3

Day 18 Day 17

Went out about town to buy some birthday gifts as May is the season of birthdays.

Wearing this skirt and my jacket.

Day 19 Day 18

Had a day of hitting the books and so I decided to dance come photo time, just hit the volume to max on my headphones and headed to the attic!

Wearing a super simple top that has yet to make an appearance on the blog.Day 20 Day 19

The temperature cooled just a little bit but I’ve already declared that the season of bare legs to of begun so I just wore a jumper instead.

Decided to wear this skirt again.

Day 21 Day 21

Sorry for the depressed look but this was taken the day before exams and as you can tell, I’m not too excited about them.

Wearing this skirt.Day 24 Day 24

Happy birthday to me! We spent the day about town trying to forget about exams and also tried to coax the sun to come out as well.

Wearing a new dress especially made for the day that shall be here soon.Day 25 Day 25

Once the sun decided to come out I simply had to enjoy it, so my dad and I headed to the beach to try and skim rocks and dip toes into the ocean. Thankfully the water was shallow enough that you could actually walk in without getting frozen.

Wearing a new denim skirt that shall be coming here in a little bit.2014 Pentax K-5 11 010Day 26

I was feeling lazy (I’d had my physics exam earlier that day) and just wore some hand made friendship bracelets.2014 Pentax K-5 11 074Day 27

Relaxed and studied away while awaiting the next set of exams.

Wearing this skirt.

2014 Pentax K-5 11 104 Day 28

Nearly free! Had an art history exam that worked out well and then walked home in the sunshine, the loom of summer was so near that I decided to take some photos outside for a change.

Wearing this top.

2014 Pentax K-5 11 230 Day 29

I felt a little dance was in order for the freedom that I had acquired! No more exams or studies! Three whole months to do whatever I wanted in (which shall in part include a new collection, mood boards to come shortly!). My mum and I had a nice meal talking about the existence of raspberries (with maple syrup and drop scones or with chocolate moose), chocolate moose with raspberries was on the desert menu and so the universe, for once decided the debacle of whether or not to get desert!

Wearing a new denim skirt and black t-shirt.

2014 Pentax K-5 11 029 Day 30

First day of freedom! And I did what makes me happiest, made a new top and photographed it the very same day! That night I went out for dinner in the hard rock café, the night included “stolen” polaroids (masterfully stuck together with the grease of our burgers) serenades of Whitney Houston songs and some late night dancing on the streets of Dublin! All captured with a plucky fisheye and its frightening flash!

Wearing a new top/ t-shirt that shall be making it’s debut shortly.

Hope you’ve enjoyed my me-made-may posts, sorry for the delay but it’s already turned out to be a busy summer!

I’ve learned from the month that you can never have enough t-shirts, or shorts! That I’m very bad at wearing old cloths or anything remotely fancy or without stretch. My summer shall, in light of this, be filled with comfy, town appropriate, shorts, nice t-shirts and hopefully some casual shirts to make me look that slight bit smarter! I also promise no “grumpy teenager” expressions, only the crazed three year old’s smile!

Happy summer to everyone on holidays! And for anyone who’s not at least the day are longer, the skirts are shorter and the rain is warmer!

Me-Made May 2014:week 2

Day 8
Day 8

Wore this cardigan as the temperature dropped a little.Day 9    Day 9

Wore an unblogged hoddie and spent a good while playing with the reflections as the lighting looked cool.

Day 10 Day 10

Wore a new denim skirt (which you can view more of here) while watching eurovison.

Day 11 Day 11
Spent the day studying but managed to grab a few minutes for some photos. Wearing this top.

Day 12 Day 12
Another day at the books but I wore a new dress to make myself feel better. The dress is yet to be blogged (isn’t that what summers are for?!)Day 13 Day 13
This is what I have entitled the study monster! And yes I did model this beautiful look in public and I am now sharing it here… It shows my wackier, book-crazed self! Wearing a simple black t-shirt that shall be shared soon.
Day 14

Day 14
The slog remains but it’s better when you can wear shorts.. Wearing this shirt.

Day 15 Day 15
Decided to once more wear shorts (new so unblogged) but the weather conspired against me and I had to wear tights with them… I also wore this top as I forgot how amazing it is.

Day 16 Day 16
We finally had our first day of sun! And man was it celebrated! My dad and I had burgers while appreciating a warm wind, then saw Godzilla (which is amazing! And not just for sci-fi geeks) and then watched the sun go down. I have a ton of beautiful photos too which shall be here soon. Wearing this top and some handmade bracelets.

I’ll try be back soon with more pictures, just have to survive through my exams first…

Me-Made May 2014:week 1

Day 1Day 1

This year I’ve decided to try and create some more interesting images, aka not all low light selfies in the sitting room, so this is my first try, I figure that you’ve seen most of these pieces and so a more “conceptual” (because I have no degree in photography whatsoever) approach would be favoured, hope you enjoy. Low-light, yes but a lightly more interesting pose and a tumblr style vibe as well.

Wearing this topDay 2 (2) Day 2

Did an improtu photoshoot in my room and decided to randomly brush my hair. This turned out to be one of the few shots I liked!

Wearing a new dress made over easter that shall come to the blog soon.Day 3DAY 3

When told to weed the garden one does not simply throw away the dandelions, one creates a bouquet of them and proceeds to attempt to model with them as well. Also there’s a reason why no-one likes dandelions, their smell is horrible!

Wearing this shirtDay 4Day 4

Spent the day at home studying so the main aim of this “look” was comfort. I then found a spot on our stairs and decided it was as good a place as any.

Wearing yet another new dress to be blogged soon.Day 5Day 5

Yes you can both pretend to model and study at the same time! Since most of these photos were taken either just before I went to bed or during my study break the worried weary faces can be accounted for. Here I’m looking over some technical drawing for an exam the next day.

Wearing a life saver of a t-shirt that shall be unveiled in the coming weeks.Day 6Day 6

What is that?! A smile? The only way that this was achieved was through happy thoughts of summer, thinking ice-cream and beaches and lots of spectacular sunsets… A good song helps…

Wearing another unseen… Sorry I went crazy over Easter and photographed nothing!Day 7

Day 7

I know my garden is not the most scenic, or beautiful place to shoot but it was sunny and I needed (!)/wanted some vitamin D!

Wearing my new fav.

      I’ll be back next week for the next line-up of “conceptual-ish” photos. Till then hope your having a good May so far!                                          P.s my birthday is only 15 days away…

The summer phenomenon

Within the northern hemi-sphere there is a certain summer phenomenon. As the warmer weather settles in and the cooler airs recedes the humans drag themselves out of hibernation. This phenomenon is particularly strong in Ireland, as our nation awakens in some of the most ridiculous clothing, 13 degrees with minimum wind chill factor means bare legs in the brightest shorts and most floral print top you can find, throw in an ice cream for good measure as well. My plan this summer is to escape this phenomenon, although there will probably be bare legs, at least the rain will be warm the main distinguishable element for summer in Ireland.
IMGP4992 The way I shall hope to achieve this is by making a series of muted tops and denim basics. Here the solution is in the form a simple broidery anglais top. You may remember this fabric from last year. This time I wanted to leave it white as the amount of blue in my wardrobe is scary! Just check out the blue tag…IMGP5049 The pattern is super simple. A little bit of width add to my blocks, moving the dart to one by the bust and making the armholes more racer back style. I also had to make a little slit in the back so that I could slip it over my neck.
IMGP4993 These photos were on one of the first days as previously said, notice the lack of clouds in the sky… I spent the rest of the day in town with some frozen yogurt (peanut flavour, seriously too good!) and sunglasses, going around to bookshops, music shops and even a fabric shop. IMGP4922 The bottom picks are a little preview of a skirt I made recently, it’s not a moss,  but it’s made off my blocks and it fits perfectly!IMGP5116

Now I’m gonna wait until I can wear this outfit again except without tights!

On another note I’m also going to set up my me-made-may pledge.

“I, Niamh of Bluesewncat, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2014”

P.s. you can still join if your quick! –>here

Me-made-May, closing


Day 16: Wearing this jumper, digging into the recesses of my wardrobe to find something new!

Day 17:Wearing an, as of the moment unblogged dress. I made this last year and forgot to post it. By the time I remembered the weather had turned and it was too cold to wear!

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Day 18: Wearing this top, which I have seriously repeated! I re-wear a lot of my  clothes so be prepared for repeats.

Day 19: Wearing the same top as day one, with a cardigan of course. Shorts can only bring on summer so much!

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Day 20: Wearing an unblogged vest underneath my top, but you can’t even see it in this photo..

Day 21: Wearing unblogged shorts made from this tutorial, they’re a bit too low so they haven’t been worn much.

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Day 22: Wearing this top again. Just wanted a simple day so went with a simple look.

Day 23: Wearing this cardi with a plain grey t-shirt. The weather was cooling so I had to wear layers again.

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Day 24: My birthday! A new top to celebrate the day. Also my first fully hand-dyed project!

Day 25: Wearing this skirt, had to run out of the house that morning so grabbed my easiest thing to wear!

IMG_2549Day 26: Wearing this shirt, trying to give it a new lease of life as it hasn’t gotten that much wear since I made it.

Day 27: Wearing the same top as day 24, the post to come soon, photos taken and all!

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Day 28: Wearing a handmade necklace, a very lazy effort today but I did give this necklace another lease of life!

Day 29: Wearing this skirt and another unblogged vest. Went to the pier with my friend and did a little mini photo shoot for the day. It was really sunny too which was good!

Day 30: Was wearing a new dress, had a day out in town with my friends wearing dresses with burgers, frozen yogurt and parks! Took so many photos as well!

Day 31: Wearing the same top as day 22, a lazy attempt for the last day but I was on holidays.

Wrap up, I need more bottoms for summer. A lot of the days I was quite lazy as well. Since I have to wear a uniform for most of the day planning a second outfit for a few hours seems hardly worth the effort. Another thing I need to make is a jumper or a cardigan, I re-wore my knitted garments a lot so this is a gap I need to fill. I also need more casual clothing since I found what I would easily wear out for a day I felt over-dressed in at home, I think that means some simple t-shirts, vests, possibly a super simple button up…? I also really want some shorts, the weather in Ireland is super warm this summer for the first time in years and I plan on celebrating that in all its glory, lazing at the beach, in parks and my back garden are the most common places you’ll find me! That’s about it, hope you’ve been left inspired, instead of bored from the super long post (sorry late enough as is!)


Me-made-May week 2


Day 8: Wearing this cardigan and shorts, to try to bring on the Irish summer!

Day 9: A very lazy effort since I’m only wearing an unblogged necklace, but I did at least wear something…

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Day 10: Easy Friday with this dress and a jumper layered on top for heat.

Day 11: Doing my most hipster pose! Wearing this top and my black cardigan going for a more tonal look.

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Day 12: Wearing an unblogged top for a chilled evening.

Day 13: Trying to impersonate some ‘French chic’ in this skirt!

photo (5)photo (7)

Day 14: Finding something to do with my hands in my lace jumper.

Day 15: Going back to basics again in my silk t-shirt and black cardigan.

Conclusions so far, I need to knit myself another cardigan!

Me-made -May week 1

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Day 1 was already posted.

Day 2, wearing this cardi and a tee, the weather was nice so I just put on some shorts and a tee-shirt, it was a little cold so a cardigan too!


Day 3, wearing this top underneath a jumper. Was too cold for just the top so I threw on the jumper too.

Day 4, wearing this skirt. Out on the town so a slightly more put together look.


Afraid, I forgot to take photos for that day, even forgot what I wore… sorry.

Day 6, wearing this jumper and this top. Wanted just a lazy day so wore jeans and a jumper.

Day 7, wearing some trousers that have yet to be blogged. They’re linen and comfy.

Week one, sorry to be, I have exams this week so no promises but this Friday I have holidays! and my birthday! and the Irish summer has finally begun! Sorry, seriously excited for too many things. I’ll try post a summer to-do-list as I have three long months with only a two-week portfolio course in the middle. Onto summer!


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‘I, Niamh of Bluesewncat, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’13. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2013’                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wearing this tank.

Up for the challenge! Don’t worry, I won’t post a photo for every day. Happy May and welcome Summer! Be back soon!